Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm Back, Did Ya Miss Me?

Yeah, It has been a while But I am still here. Unfortunately Health is not my best friend yet and along with this blog, a number of things have had to sit idle. I recently succumbed to suggestion and tried acupuncture. I have a second session later this week. It works. I don't know how I don't know why, I just know that pain levels dropped.

Well, My E News letter is about to see the 20th issue. Written by myself and a circle of good friends, it is always chatty and informative.

I hope shortly to be able to begin reporting on the construction of my home railway. A long time coming, like other things, but planning over the last frew months has seen a lot of changes and modification to my overall theme with a final design obvious not going to be final, until the last track pin is hammered in.

Slot racing has been fun. When I am having a good night, it is awsome. When I am off colour, the racing suffers. Ah well, makes it all a challenge.

Talk to you all soon.

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